

23. Nov. 2023.

Security tightenings in the https and sftp services

We would like to inform you that in accordance with the recommendations of the National Cybersecurity Institute's ASR (Automated Vulnerability Detection System) and industry security standards, we have introduced security enhancements starting today.

The most significant change is that we have narrowed the range of security protocols used for website serving and SFTP uploads. From today, it is no longer possible to connect to the https and sftp services using the less secure TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 protocols; only TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 protocols are now supported.

This affects the operation of some very old browsers (such as Internet Explorer, old Opera, etc).

The use of weak protocols was previously ensured for compatibility reasons. If you need to use the old protocols, we can individually restore them on your storage (in the case of https). For this, please send an email to our customer service at mediacenter@mediacenter.hu.
