Its almost 10 years, since we have been activated our unique website antivirus and antihacking system. Over the past 10 years, the system has been continuously improved and has prevented many web viruses and hacking attempts since its introduction.
Over the past few weeks, we have significantly refined the mechanisms that form the basis of our antivirus protection system, and as a result, we have achieved much more accurate and efficient virus filtering for the hosting we manage. As a result, the possibility of making a mistake has also been significantly reduced, meaning that the chances of banning real code have been significantly reduced.
New tool for webmasters
The idea behind filtering is that the virus protection analyses the content and operations of files at runtime and blocks access based on this. This blocking can be unblocked after the file has been corrected by going to Web Hosting Settings -> "Banned files". Here you can find more information or temporarily disable the Anti-Virus system itself.